Saturday, January 21, 2023

Good green box

( Warning: themes of masturbation are discussed here. Viewer discretion is advised. NSFW link at the end. )

The green box.

A chamomile box with the softest touch.

Coach Gurners many rejections of his coaching, of his dedication within ten years of finding clients and finding an attachment.

It was almost masochistic. It's his hiding, hiding that he does not show a real program that helps the self-efficacy of his clients.

Out of his way. Even at this place.

No'd again.

This time it covered his inarticulate proposition he made at a gay club. Towards Danny, who he had no an idea how to articulate a greeting that was polite.

His tribal nomenclature was not gallant or mannerly. His dialect was given by the rough and ready lower classes of Waterlodge. It was rude, in your face. Making the posh parties at Glitter town gasp.

He kept it with his personal coaching job. Agnostic and pruning his words with his clients. Yet it all came out, his turtle pyjamas coming out with inexperience.

"I wanna love you raw in ass "

He fumbled to the carpenter's apprehension. What a way to greet. Rushing out the bar. He could not believe it.

The Green box will cover it.

To conclude, this is the appendix to a short story piece I wrote on so furry.