Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Four forms Five races

More world building, refinement of the previous


  • Human : Most adaptable, within this fantasy realm of Sparkleshire.
  • Were-Kind: Full-on Anthro animals with humanoid features. Originally outcast by myth. Yet have normalized into the culture within the 18th century due to some race right's advocation.
  • Neko-Kind: Mix Breed of the Human-Anthro Kind. Humans with certain Animal features.
  • Golem-kind: The rest of the kind with there essences placed into the objects for medical/legal reasons. They can switch to their Humanoid and true forms with some preparation. Procreation of this kind is rare. Since not one object is the same. Made from Golemancy/technomancy advocates.
  • Wisp-Kind: Special workers and managers of the Glitz/Rust Realm, they can't change form yet are confined to the realm of possibility within the lands. They speak english telepathically with the other races, and it's part of their management of the realm. Themselves choosing the curator to help keep contact and manageable earth-to-hub relations.

Behavioural dimorphism is minimal, yet there's still racial/class tension between the classes and races.

There a sub-divisions of these races, Gargoyles are a clan of specially cultivated Anthro-neko Hybrids of varying antro statistics of complexity.


  • Earth Form: Normal form. Minimal to no powers.
  • Glitz Form: A superpowered form of increased durability and powers unique to each individual. Only the Sage/curator can access this form within the Earth realm. Physical disabilities don't matter since it's all virtual projection. Think super-powered gladiators. The wisps have to keep everything in check and only allow sporting events for these forms to be used.
  • Rust Form: Ghostly selves, the spirits, and flaws are more exposed. Especially with the Golem-kind with their other sides revealed. Virtual Projections again. Physical disabilities gone, yet the mental dark sides are hidden within the Rust Hub.
  • True form: Golems are able to switch back and forth between this, including they were kind. Freely at will within glitz. Locked within the form they're most used to within rust. Difficult and dependent on status in earth form since the power is dependent within the glitz hubs. They just feel it dependent on how much they shine in influence. The queen curator can give it others since she owns the care of the wisps within the glitz hub.
The True form has its downsides. Amnesia and temperaments of the object-animal arise more quickly, and depending on the status of the human. The golem in his true form have trouble losing their identity and are more confused on their function, and the were-kind have more trouble losing to their baser instincts.

Since of that, it's considered taboo and impolite amongst Sparkleshire, and the Glitz Hub may view in unfavourable. So it's rarely, if it all used. The police force have an entire department dealing with the true-form cases and there are fines if there are cases using there true form to get around loop-holes.