After the decision to becoming a hack, due to one must be having to make a living. For either attention or funds to make a living. With mediocre clients being the only available. Three tiers of this sub-category.
- Honest Hack
This category is the most honest. If one want's to prostitute for attention and money. One must look at the market of what rich people want, and give it to them. Depending on the industry, this could be the alright. Without a compromise to one's point of view.
The world needs taxi drivers.
- Dishonest Hack
These are the ones that pursue the race to the bottom. Cheapening the media with the lack of pride given. Reverse engineering everything to make it dumber, spammier and annoying.
- Scab
What Harlen Ellison says with their creativity, "They can't write themselves out of a pay toilet."