Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The examination of meritocratic fantasy

Two video recommendations.

To the state of pleasing the almighty algorithm. This pursuit is intrinsically meritocratic, though, it's a competition to bottom which the ones that win still lose.

These media stars can't shine without the 80-20 power law curve. Even those videos can't detail that.

Is bet
ter up to the algorithm? Not for the connection. The survivorship bias of spotting the hits.

A shoutout to Theo Evans, with social media.

Yeah, Theo. The emotionless hacknification of philanthropy is still an indefensible hack. Supporting this meritocracy.

A robot now, in human flesh, unable to grow out the commercial stamp otherwise he'd risk being deemed too literate to understand for his public hes seeking to serve.

This Kardashian does not know kuroshi, advocating workaholism and hustle culture. He's privileged enough (don't know if he acknowledges it) to bounce back. Not feeling the edge of death with overworking.

Oh well, I'm so happy.

Only some can be a golden hack, atop the mountain. Even those like Theo can't fit atop of it, despite starting the same. Only some can benefit from this philanthropy, and it can't be for all.

He also touched on algorithm optimization.

An entire informal group/tribe dedicated to:

Maximize audience retention!

Detail the perfect discovery hack!

Raise through the status game! Turn customers into heavy user whales!

What is better for them ain't better for us.