Sunday, July 30, 2023

George Gurners side

"A other side, It works with moments of aggression, anxiety, and fear. I've seen him done it, when she works a method or is forced into a jam. His eyes change into a different character to that reminds me of his animal kin. The doctor says it's harmless, yet I think it's a diagnosis for something more." The marsupial said.

Marcy has been with him in the Gymtwentyfour for some time, observing and working with her friend, and she was on call with a cuppa of green tea and a packet of quavers.

"During a lift, when he failed to put his straps on tight. He dropped a weight and choked, through the moments of chocking he changes, to another side of a desperate other, something that I've been trying to capture if he's all front about it."

"Do you think he'll allow it?" Retorted the friend.

"Well he did say he needs to start his social media career so catching him 'at the moment' may not be charmers knockers, who's going to blame some extra hands that are on the look-out."

"You really think any of that will go viral?" Her friend concluded.

"Who knows? He want's live footage, he's been trying to break it in other ways."