Wednesday, September 13, 2023

React streamers!? React, responding to this.


This is another take on the never-ending fair use/copyright debate.

I remember that I did a fitness response/reaction, my views went. I ended it realizing that it's not a path well-lived for a career.

It all started with a creation of youtube, it all started here and there.

20 min

It continues, with the talk of XQX and MeatCanyons, shoutouts to come with these videos such as the right opinion. Back in 2016 as I was within the eclipse of playing games, there was another usage of their videos, to carefully crafted videos. That's meaningful usage.

30 min

Now it's means to push a number up, where there is no curation. When and others ditch their self-actualization to get paid really well by the algorithm and gate keep their audiences by adding minimal entertainment value. This is the new meta of twitch and YouTube who are openly paying them.

This nebulous content mentioned by Meatcanyon will continue to be normalized. What to do about it?

What does that have to say when YouTube promotes it and says that they're the path to success? These audiences and these 'creators'.

They're a business and it won't affect them till it effects there bottom line. It's best to self-publish to cut out these middlemen that sharecrop. To keep with, and respect literacy and creative value.

I'm not against react/commentary if it brings curation to the creatives within this ocean of content.

Take notice with the definition of content it's getting, though. The more Bill Gates it gets..