Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The clown suit, bad themes

"Hey, I'm the pretentious thing not in a clown suit"

When a journalist, who has its themes explicit due to its literary non-fiction with its target audience being the trolls, the non-commercial variant of the spammers. It's treading on dangerous waters of a capricious audience with an unpredictable attention reserves.

One is serving a very unreliable audience, with the waves of attention impossible. If anybody could handle them, they couldn't.

A very selfish, narcissus mindset where they serve only the bottom. To the primal limbic impulse of involuntary allure.

Roger Ebert did a similar study when Matt and Trey parker decided to turn everything into a gag within this team America review.

When the entire theme to capture attention, the structure and logic is only a matter a time. Illiterate anodyne for the sake of it.

The numbness hurts, doesn't it? The more precise we aim our trust, the more precious it gets.