This is journalism here, (literary) not a sentimental memoir.
A tall stand, a tall stand on an influencer cult that, in retrospect, became the worst of what came of hustle culture and desperate algorithm creativity, with those who left and those who were exploited.
Congrats, The right opinion, this is your Magnus opus amongst the commentary/memoir genre of YouTube video. Bringing the embodiment of Socrates quote, "The unexamined life is not worth living" An essay/documentary for the time of reflection of naive success. Especially with the start and documenting the start of the self-help influencer trend.
What does it cover? A short list of warnings:
Naive fairytale world-view of lottery success within the group.
- A false veneer of authenticity despite the artificially and lack of communication. No communication that this is a freelance or enterprising endeavour.
- A long tail of abuse for the mini-influncers, compared to the big influencer who got picked by the artifice of attention from Disney.
- Checks out! Rachel Hollis will be proud.
- Plenty of plausible deniability to cover it up, too. This influencer come and go, their success being down to being at the right place at the right time with these flows of attention.
Two hour documentary, on what to avoid in regard to success.