Thursday, November 2, 2023

Couch Gregor Insecurity

An art direction scribble for an upcoming commission, funding sombody for his new computer. As windows rolls out a new version, new motherboards are needed for those odd processing pathways.

Couch Gregors used feeling.

That he's not enough
Not worthy
Not needed

That his existence is within to compete for attention. To grow a business. That's what the scum of the earth advertisers do, anyway.

Or the most glorious expression of freedom of expression that is our pateiotic duty and right to business. He's got to be the embodiment. Focus on his own skin in the game of maintaining life.

He has to keep it in. Or out, hes a freak otherwise. Insecure with his status and how he belongs if he does not make a number go up. Its hidden mass appeal, insecure and wanting to crawl out