Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Direct response, infuriatingly simple

Don't add too much to this formula cake, otherwise it's ruined.

"The ad exists to get a click
The click exists to either make a sale or earn permission.
The sale exists to lead to another sale, or word of mouth.
Permission exists to lead to education and to a sale.
That's it."

Seth Godin in his book, This is Marketing. On reaching the right people.

Anything that adds to the equation is a distraction, each moment meticulously measured. Otherwise, it does not count. He also notes that it's hard to find a process like this that works.

This process is what built the internet search engine from Google and others with there payola auctions. The disillusionment is real as social media becomes a response rate simulator for advertisers.

That's not the thing that makes an artist thought. Learning how a copywriter sees the world is one of clarity. High status roles of ingrained envy with those who have the high response rates. That's by design, the new social order.

All around, an infuriatingly simple formula that we're all responsible now.

Continuing on what it means to be a sellout hack by reading more direct response advertising.

None of this signifies brand marketing. One of differentiation. To see how deep this direct response rabbit hole goes.

What there is to learn though you can't be full authentic following direct response metrics, that's okay, this admits it's artifice.