Oh no, where to leave the playboy manshions.
"Your portfolio may show lots of cute pinups of hot chicks, but you are going get a story with a car chase in it, tons of gritty city backgrounds, and a crowd scene in a restaurant, and the fun's over, man.
I think this is why so many people burn out, the technical requirments of the job mean you will spend endless hours drawing things at which you do not excel, you have to love drawing and storytelling for it's own sake, and some people really don't. I could be here all day going over stories of writers who have had their scripts butchered by artists who decided to script was too hard to draw, so they cut a six panel page and made it into a splash, both to make it easier to draw, and easier to sell. So you get people who have portfolios full of really pretty pinup art and these people sometimes grumble at folks like me who have career longevityand maybe not as much flashy pinup art, And that's because the writers KNOWS I'm an artisty who will tell the story as written. Cartooning isn't pinups, Cartooning is storytelling, I love pinups and gorgous covers, too. But a cartoonist has to eat the frog, do the hard part, That cityscape 27 times per issue, the newsroom with the people sitting and talking around the table, the car chase. Tell the story. I got mas respect for the people who can do those gorgeous dynamic covers, the cover art in comics has never been better. But the interior art is hard-core, often thankless workmanship. Which is why fewer people want to do it. But that's where the cartooning is." Colleen Doran Colleen has done his advice, I'll have to give my take with it. It's coming from the perspective of a professional within the commercial side of the industry of comics. |
Unless specialized otherwise, the illustrator/pinup must be In sync with the writing, or it ain't cartooningIt's only professional to be able to deviated from pinups, even then there are times when it's imperative to know. None of this has to be followed, what matters more is getting true fans to fuel the creative work the artist has to do. That overrides all of it.
This could even be in the theme that's a fig leaf to the body perfection of fantasy, best deserved to be celebrated that tortured.
If one wants to communicate more than a strip tease as an adult, one must show it and categorize it properly, with stories and scenes there's a message now. Cleverness for its own sake with the inclusion of the art-directing getting in love with the art direction is a liability to the story and the prospective audience.
So yeah, coming from that background I'm continuing to do that ad I remind myself with each illustration I do.