Influences from Bert, Ernie and Gutsman.
1.27 hour
I've been critical of fandoms before, linking a blood knife article. This is a more measured response to it.
Other than Marcell Duchamp's work, the fountain of the creator Baroness Von Freytag-Loringhoven.
Especially the remark about troupes, this has been a remixing and reshuffling from the normative stream of tropes that last within the collective unconsciousness. With the hermeneutics that follow after.
With my Couch man, it's inspired by Eugene Sandow's, that advertising model and entrepreneur, these undercurrents will be discussed from the public domain and into the fan-art's area.
With a big whopping 'depends' Edges of genre definition and playing at it must show respect. It is copy, yet everything is copy if broadened. It's how it's twisted.
Could it be that it's pure copywriting? It's too insignificant. Watch for my evolving thoughts after these, as these narrative patterns get readjusted overtime.
With a big whopping 'depends' Edges of genre definition and playing at it must show respect. It is copy, yet everything is copy if broadened. It's how it's twisted.
Could it be that it's pure copywriting? It's too insignificant. Watch for my evolving thoughts after these, as these narrative patterns get readjusted overtime.
Old Austin's 11 min video on why big commercial publishers don't want to touch fan art works.