Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Reverie reflections

A reverie Sketch of expressionism, it's not going to pay off. That's the point.

Before i started, i tested for abstract expressionism. It's something that's like poetry, free from categorization. Playing with marks as a means of anti representation.

Some dwindling relief or tingling sensation passes. A process of representation may be discovered and put into the workflow with this style test.

Curious exercise that can be done daily, for about 15 minutes, then left once a sunk cost.

This is the technique test pad. Which can lead to style testing for one to weave into something consistent later on.

2021. That's where I had the Gregor Murphy name initially. This attempt to rebel against representation was a conceptual monkey gym.

Does it matter that I give these marks meaning through contextualization. Or shall your interpretation carry the story? Best to leave what is said unsaid.

Play before industrial category can commence.
Anti-reresentation was the nuturer to take back the path.