Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Kyro's aversion

What an edge case, an edge case that ain't so the f***er seems unique I think the point at this stage of banality, no.

Ab tested stuff will always go to the edge of what's acceptable to draw views, and he's going that way to reach the maximality that never really is the case.

How thirsty is it, that he will go.

Confusing remarkability with serving the sicko desires of the world. Uncrated rubbish tips over the edge within this auction environment. Where each and every kink is catered to. Is it kinking down or up? Is there any niche interest? All a spurt of dopamine, not with my own chasteness being untouched.

Trashy banality of condescending, undiscerning rot. Seedy as it is, It's Theo's business.

Kinkshaming? Grrth, A/b test shaming more like it.