Sunday, April 21, 2024

Tear Apart Kyro

That naughty aristocrat has a clean mouth, yet his sexual innuendo makes him look like paparazzi at the rugby team's locker room. I'd be not surprised if he did that.

As these mindless meditations come together, so does sleep.

There comes the dream again. Castella says this feels like the true form, yet it's only another form. I don't know what's true from my human and my true form. Invisible hooks tend to pull at the moments going. Going to be breakdown of everything.

Can't think any more, my thoughts scattered as they've reached a status as my every part of me. I'm flickering out and back in again as my being is in pieces of that dream, It's almost terrifying at first, yet then I come to as parts come again.

It's stressful, yet something as to take off the stress. I don't know what's causing it. I'm brought out of the slumber.