Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Theo's honest rules of clerksmanship

He's written it down, as he slumbers.

Working with the epistemological limits, a mindless antibiotic marketing body of work that is no more a clerk. A clerk who's built the industrial revolution. Faster and cheaper for tomorrow.

Some professions are intrinsically hackneyed: the fast food server of a franchised turnkey, the mass entertainer pin up artist, the pornographer, the shameless upstager, fan service and the copywriter. All serving the keys jangler.

As they've become producers.

Honest hacksmenship must remain with its dignity, or it becomes a grift. One can't make a friend out of the hack, only the benefit of the project they make.

When ambulance chasing the next cargo cult for their next flick, one understands they are hierarchical with the numbers game. What is this project for? The contribution toward the smallest viable audience. (Kevin Kelly 1000 true fan model) or for the benefit of the social media advertisers who are paying for the server costs?

Authenticity ain't it, the impression of verisimilitude and consistency matters. We dip into the lake of professionalism, then return for the short term. The only thing we ask for is dignity. Programming the animosity of tomorrow.

To ignore the illiteracy that is a true sin.