Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Do it for the plot/I read it for the plot

Still thinking of the limits of the burlesque 3rd chapter.

I looked at Kim Kardashians book publisher's deal, They didn't because of the plot, they did it because it will make a lot of money, that's commercialism. Commercial publishers and going to act commercial to high enough response rates regardless of literary skill. As if courting commercial publishers is a goal to pursue to begin with, (I'd question it). Do they care for the kinks when they gave an advance to ninja for a comic deal too?

Could preach the virtues of self-control to a commercial publisher, yet that's not what the point is, I'm not sure if it wants to be fixed.

That's the limits of the burlesque, plotless entertainment and the reason that meme of people saying that they are reading this for the plot, merely as the ones reading playboy for the articles, is wrong. It's physical appeal, then nothing else. It's going to require a lot of self-awareness to be able to handle its mixture into the other genres, inside out of the formula of its attraction directed.

Not only that, but it has to be done to the point of where the sentiment of doing it for the plot has to be respected. Otherwise, the non-sequitur use it merely that, non-sequitur.

Bennet the sage reviewed agent Aika that managed to do fan-service right ( Adult shot overload with the link.) 37