Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Gellman's amnesia effect

Social media can do a thing, A gell man amnesia effect on advice. Extranet did this with TikTok.


What is with these contradictions, irregularities and stimuli that amalgamations? There's always going to be streams of advice that are going to state you can do better?

Better for whom, though? There's that moment when you hit publish without and editor and the traditional publisher would of delt with it. Not anymore, they are persuing random blips of platforms and streams of attention, to advertise their own publishing as they continue to consolidate.

The industry forgets what's right and wrong with advice, and it continues to chug along merely for the sake of that. Short term benefit rather than complete.

The industry needs to take it's own advice, yet it forgets, having its own amnesia.

17 min video , especially of the last moment where influencers and its figures.