Saturday, August 10, 2024

Low effort/inertia masquerading as productivity, Prosumers productivity

This business model that provided funds for the advertisement-run business models in unavoidable. Where attention is benefited, not the user. It benefits the attention for the sake of it.

Since the conception of 'I am' all these formulations that make us whole, has been the way of being towards a cultural conservatism, not based on what will lead into fresh, independent creators for others. Yet into the worst impulses of our industry such as crunch and practices made permanent.

Practice makes permanent, have some masterwork touchstones and deliberate practice. Sometimes the rudimentary ideas that a discovered within the mise en'place are to the simplicity of the story that is to be started, yet all that info and easy way out is always there.

Anytime and attention spent within an advertisement-run platform should be under one's autonomy, Unless it spirals out.

Mass market interruption ain't what a literary artist/engineer friend. Prosumer productivity ain't our eudaemonia. There designed for the ad-space.