Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tutorial Abyss

You stare at all the theoretical learning; it stares back at you.

There's this element of dystopia, a programmer reaches a continuous trap and courses. Being trapped within the theoretical learning rather experiential learning.

We must look at tutorials to get out of tutorial abyss! Out of the rabbit hole with another.
6 min

10 min
5 min

Tutorials are seductive, promising a status role promotion, promising a raise, promises that could lead into a circle. This could be a trap into a brand affinity of others.

With all this research, though, once must learn to see the moderation of the learning and that it can be the only thing leading towards the moment of minimum viable verisimilitude. Such is learning for reference that can out-rival the mise-en-place.

So only moderation for each professional endeavour, one bit at that a time with application.

Self-directed project based learning, with the memorisation made to the heart when needed.