Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gatekeeper/Folksonomy+Natural Selection

Two modes of distribution


Within commercial entertainment, there's a state of power-brokers who still hold to the status role of artist, entering their masters and not the culture. From the disk jockeys, broadcasters, record labels, syndicalists, and curators. Their own time to making a directed stream of attention, being the rawest form of the mercantilism.

All this treats the non-measurable thing, attention, as the product. A product expected to make a return by a direct sales, reading this right here.

They still exist, especially within the industry. I'm not sure if the job-hunters will be able to test their luck with their resume's though. They have less power and meaning though due to the last two.

Folksonomny+Natural Selection

Most of the internet now operates within this systemic means of recognition, via a tag, forming communities of practice with their own status roles to allow governance.

Yes, this will be the way going forward now, mostly when it comes to the internet. I'm not sure how this distribution will change with the mishap that is our gig-economy in regard to freelancing.

With the moment of tagging and scrolling, including this post. Points of knowledge and info are interlaced within the words of today and create the meaning of tomorrow. Merely to show to fact of how everything on the internet that has changed.

One of the reasons why do these influencer sources seem to fail at is deciphering a correct essentialism to deciphering a qualia within an algorithm, which gets more zombie like, and a robot without a conscious thought. So this weird system of how to game it, doens not