Saturday, December 7, 2024

Beastification: How-to-edits are a trap

Nooo! Not you too Theo.
Video essay roll-call!

18 video of sloppification, or of paint by numbers and getting water condensation on the wings and falling in the ocean when. A young-un has a chestnut. 

Even though that the be the best version of yourself as the Anatta non-self. Especially works being an honest hack and non-artist.

Commercial network television of ad-run videos run, It's going to be a tighter grip on us all. Yeah, some opinions suck, don't they?

Those feedback loops of commercial editing that's how to 'hack' the net to spread the net of virality consultancy, merely don't work, they can't work.


I'd have to disagree with his games being the highest form of art, since it's fan-base hasn't matured to make civil, literary conversations regarding negative analysis to reach a higher understanding. Oh, and the toxic fanbase, yeah the toxic fanbase, certainly. Alliterate, Apolitical place with a lack of self-respect and interest.

One prosumer slop bucket. Only for the ones out of it Disco Elysium.