Saturday, December 21, 2024

Attraction/repulsion paradox/ Validation axiologist

 Defining the axiology of the customers, the competition, the distribution. Got me thinking.

Getting really specific with the axiology of determining what the positive is what the profession ahead. What is my first profession is to be called a cartoonist, an artist of identification that determines. A certain, tender truth.

To feel like an artist, to have no external axiological validation. Somehow, it's a win-win. It's going to be how to win-win when certain games out there don't need to be played. The game of constant social media validation. Ugh, it will be forever played with the status role games, so it's to be seen. With the meta of free views, always an odd spectacle.

What is my paradoxical creation? Well, it's a monster.

A dateable monster, one that I found entertaining enough to hold my interest. That's it, of failed irony, one that's become another thing.