Saturday, December 28, 2024

Axiological skeptic bag-getting

 With a reflection of the hawk tauh article. Nodes in the system really like to strike when the iron's hot.

That's a problem, ain't it?

"From potential prey to potential predator" Pump and dump, then a rug pull follows. It bears repeating with this ever-changing meta. Any tutorial hoping to teach the formula for virality and celebrity endorsements (Which commercial publishers want, they want to convert that attention into money. )

Forever, these public services are in a pickle. It's always a pain, and it's never free, any literate professional knows it ain't free.

There's this underlying anxiety and insecurity that if they don't tow the line, they're going to be ignored. Yet that's all part of the fear of being creative, All that article does in the haunting of the commercial publishing and the editing.

To live with the ghosts 🛋👻