Friday, January 31, 2025

Deontological Division

What can be an excuse or not an excuse to selfishness?

How many hoops do you have to jump through to meet the minimum viable audience and to show the work?

Somebody said something about to each their own. Yet when it comes to community, a difference between a fair-weather and an all weather friend is a matter of what it takes to display mutuality. Communal spaces could suffer from too much One-up-manship from all the amount.

With the blips of transaction and the intrinsic data, things move, though. Territoralism still lives.

(Going to refrain from copy'n pasting certain takes until ideas float along.)
Kim Myatt⁷
"You don't owe anybody anything, especially people trying to bully you with moralising. Making process videos and streaming is time consuming and sometimes feeling "watched" hurts the creative process. This take only hurts artists."

Altough such a matter of deontological division is a matter of means when it comes to selfishness, could be taken the point of Ayn Randian selfish objectivism. (Who plagiarised a lot of philosophy by Nietzsche )