Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Grandads Retirement Blues

Foggy memories become clear, then back again.

They're talking about a somebody's sexual expression, like it's repulsive, Am I that sort of thing? That, with my own desire to reach into a freaky dimension. Or not, it's a Freudian desire of object philia. It's bizarre that'd 

Thoughts go-

The now passed Granny that went with the motions, then it went home again. There was a machine of entertainment within the back. I can't even serve it well as i happened past my family photos.

All a physical record, left to a network that allows me to be silly online.

Grandad needs tp sleep after the fish and chips he ordered. He's consoled with the presents, as my brother is interested in my gpp work.

It was a terminally
offline day, minimal engagement. Still a stream with a failed graphics card update.

Why do I keep going there? To twitch? Addicting me to gamers. Addicting me to performative affiliation, and to popular IPs I've seen way too much of.

"Everybody dies" Was the thing he tels, and is prepared for.

Theres a call every day, he's doing okay.