Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The dissappeared blogs, From monetised whispers.

 There are "meta" blogs, trying to game the algorithm, or attempts for dominion and failures, like cheating and such.

Now it's gone, with writing things to be made into the robots, then there are gone, deleted. Files of information that are left into the wastes of lost-media.

Creativity for creativity's sake ain't celebrated, there are left to rot into the forgetfulness of our times, lead into a most profanely disservice that's made into emptiness.

Yet all of this time. That all this task to be made with a priceless intent, one that is to push forward and honour a desire to give our own selves to aid others.

So yes, do go and make an honest living, that living shall not enclosed with the little spindle of creativity that come forth here.

I'm not monetizing this.