Saturday, October 12, 2024

Inktober/DrawTober Thoughts

Merely relaxing into the rhythm of doing work for me. Already did,

It's yet another trend where a stream of attention for people to pay attention to and to grow a following.

Everybody, what a stream of attention to grow a following towards solvency. I can afford to, with all the amount.

Even when the guy who stated cleared the copyright for the makers to sell their work, It's clear there's social capital involved to help capitalise on the streams of attention again. It's to show a little spot where the SEO lays, and that's it.

You are the product to advertisement product, and the attention economy is ontologically inseparable to the conversion advertisement these platforms support, with the prosumerism intertwined with its structure.

With the reporting on this, Mary Sue seems to do honest reporting. Oh boy, another copyright troll. Of course, into the antipathy brand which has mixed antipathy as a legal concept within legalese. I have mixed feelings of it being a useful fiction.

 Posted this meme in reply. Aaaah 🛋️💤

These short-term RFPs for internet traction will always exist, for the long termers who want to be sought out by name, they will always have to ignore it. I forget everybody is in the hunt for the newcomers, and it's target audience.

We are not 100% pure when it comes to these trends, either go in for the self, or the generosity of others. I'll most likely going back into the art-fights, due to the fun'n beauty. Yet self-sustainability is more important than from self-exploitation.

If I contradict myself, only if it's important.

It's a tactic, made to get hold of an audience's attention within these social media sites, it ain't for those who could afford strategy.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Most cynical to Least cynical

 It's time to inverse the cynicism into optimism, then back into ambivalence.

Cyncism is all merely and reaction, it's to think of times of least cynical to things to respond in balance, towards and back again. It's always nice to compare to times of sympathy with the contempt to see which states are happening.

Most Cynical :

When the race to the bottom included lying to lifestyles and sleeping schedules to the best of all that meant. All to heighten up the SEO and click-through rate.

I touched this on Rachel Hollis.

10:30-19:30 On it, Corrupt freelancers and educational institutions teach physically impossible sleep schedules that will burn out creatives to help stop the competition outside the system which they operate in.

They really are underground, under-the-radar methods advice of burning the candle in both ends advice that's constantly remade and sold to a new generation, made to burn dreams before they ever appear. Indie teaching institutions do it all the time now, not that I'd name them.

To be treated like a rented mule, then made to believe that it's rented mule's fault is a special place in dystopia for them. Treating time like a shortcut, and not as a tool. I don't think others with my cognitive disability should listen to such stuff as inspiration porn.

What is now direct-response bait for the developers of high data, Influencers who are now called content makers, to the slop meta. Oh well, it's going to be cool-hunted by the flawed business models. 🎰 Commercialism shall be the matrix of the casino for days to come. (Which is why a appreciate subscription models now ) 

Least cynical 2: Seths blogs post on developing financial independence. Already covered it. Here's a marketer ( or, he calls himself a teacher ) that actually gave wise guidance. When how Eric Helms stated how short-term education was his goal as a trainer, and that those trainers who does not let the students out-grow them are like mushroom farmers (Like Geoffrey Verity Schofield) Feed C*** and keep them in the dark.

"1. Don't pay anyone for simple and proven instructions on how to achieve this goal. In particular, don't pay anyone to teach you how to write or sell manuals or ebooks about how to make money online."

Probably he's post on advanced Meta post, this categorized self-help guru that may have mad errors, including the lizard brain, recommending bad books. Still selling courses and others. A b-corp, Something like a Gabe Newel. Welp, I'm a freelancer, so I know what to expect.

Self-help Gurus, good or bad. Certainly teach the limits of the casuai sui. Of ultimate responsibility.

Well, Including AC-bu success being a unique internet thing with a means to formalist philosophy guiding its culture. There's as much as inspiration to respond to as much as expiration.

Sui generis of such a poet.

It's nice to contradict ones own cynicism.

Bonus video of 10 min on luck, the stuff that's not contingent of self matters within this industry and the hustle-culture business guru stuff. This advice does not sell one on the casus sui.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Fat cat Cappy : reasons

 When you stare in the abyss, you either become the monster, or the cat monster. Little warmongering pest of contradictions that is meant to bring conflict. Well, Drama to the fiction.

That's the traditional concept of what is an antagonist of a traditional, western story structure. I'm following that.

A archetype of business, the cost of living that likes the growth of a business model interwoven with the gangster genres that inspire it. Status seeking with a traitorous desire. Since I've made him into anthro-kind it's more likely going to be a status thing within the world now.

Well, It ain't compelling if they ain't drama.

Different from Theo, Who's more of a father playboy.

This is an archetype of business! Of Apollo.

These characters are made-to-order, I'm not sure if I can expand the cast or eliminate for it. Ernie Bushmiller managed to do it with three.

24:40 Min of a sensational playlist.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Every time and being is deserved a chance. A chance to speak out. From every desire of need for justice for problems left unsolved.

Of all things, the angst of not being in line with industrial conspirational within the bricks, shall shine the gems of another wave, of the cogs that shape into human.

Humph, all authority shall be questioned, so it's the best to treat the unquestioned as guilty first, sweeties. The work of all to the most determined shall be treated under suspicious eye, that all cops are C****.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Slop content meta

"Slop, Sludge, Brainrot, or Slop Content refers to , low quality content (eg. Games, videos, clips) that is clearly made to hop and market off of new trends, and usually involves the mish-mashing of trends together. If it's video content, it's usually brainless and seems to be almost AI generated because of how ) it can be. Games classified as slop content are usually marketed towards little kids with highly saturated colors, microtransactions, and notable characters from other popular games."

Aka Cool-hunting in a new form. It's a new tragedy in the making with selfie sticks around the campsite.

Since people are disposed by the money-making of influencer, they're switching it up with creator, or maker. For them.

Why even antagonise a system that's ontologically essential to business models? Until the abolishment of capital, that is.

Same with distancing oneself with brand and direct-response, trying to make it paradoxical when it shouldn't be. Attempting to grow new heads in the marketing machine that funds the production costs of prosumers wit, we are stuck fishing for attention that's integral. Stuck in the feed-back loop of post-commidifed end-result, baiting us once again.

Some have called this term the slop-mines. To gather impressions with the tailing pre-established popularity. Well, para-social relationships, you say between passive and active users.

Is that streamer using my attention as hollow leverage? Well, that's another thing to ponder about.

It helps satisfy to be a ruthless in behalf of one's own time/attention. That does not make these influencers evil, merely dedicated to their jobs within this postmodern connection economy.

This 47 essay got me thinking.

Let's slop up the content, brain-rot-meta!