Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tourist vs active/passive Neophiliacs : Handling streaming Impressions

When it comes the first-impression, thinking outside in from the non-self and to the user in question. Inside in. What is the first impression that will lead them?

Do you remember the impressions you've done on the first page, any memorable and remarkable experiences? The skimming passive experience comes first, then with the stop-of-tracks sensation.



Spammer, Hustlers, Hate raiders, y'know. Where the validation of the response/reaction, with the bots of no lived-in mission. That's the means of what, they are plenty of moderation tools to show the rule-of-law and such with that benefit.

There's one thing unifying them, though, they are tourists and not there to interact in good faith. Prosumers with the cycle they are, with rubberneckers.


Woosh, they are the interactions, and it's certainly a random sensation with the stream. These will be conversations, and the way it should. These are the first mark of the funnel, and it might last, or might not.

Customer service and the means to create the benefit of the doubt, with the means to be favourable within the newcomer's eyes. Is to not hustle, yet serve.

With this collection, the conversion could occur, you'd never know! If not, You've shown a decent impression of the authorial self.

Could be a passive, encouragement fan towards a more active one.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Narcissist Mythopoetic

Theo, Diagnosis of his contradictions with his story.

57 min essay

Since when pathologizing has reached a myth, poetic symbolism used to sell a story of defeating an arch type of evil. It's all myth though, it's dream-like of wanting to believe of the stuff behind the ideas. If once a theory of the mind, the soul, made into the intellectual call to actions.

Yep, another dance of scientism. A complex, of unity of opposites of the fight of good and evil, and the contradictions of symbolic conflict, of old time. Solipsism, egotism, self-interest against the empaths, wage the wars!

All of an outdated physiological diagnosis. All attention to the attention god of direct marketing glamour mediums! All hail, beyond the complications of reality, people do still believe.

It reminds me that we are the minority of how these explode despite the fundamentalism, despite the foundherentism that I follow.

What contradicts self-obsession? Well, Self hate and suicidal ideation. All these are thoughts that intersect with reasons to reveal a more human condition we see with our own identification with others. The simplest definitions are going to be stuck around with that community. Guess it's not for me.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Self Industry Complex : Toxic Productivity


26 minutes (with an audible ad I'd suggest you'd skip. Go for Libby.)

The grind, ah, the grind. Even to the point of the limit of self-improvement, the bravery has to. The work-more-hours cult is always rearing its ugly head, and it's got into new-age stuff regarding its belief system going into mysticism not contingent on an entity.

Hustle-culture as everything defined by our work, and that this work-life balance that is made to 'make it' yet the meritocratic myth of the cool kids and the math does not add up, and the viable business model.

False lifestyles of physically impossible lifestyles. That's self-exploitation is now a thing. This has been going 30 years from now, and it's only a matter of time to avoid these narratives to pursue a more caring one with compassion.

Byung-Chul Han should proselytize of the virtue of uselessness. Then with our own times, with each construction of self that is to be commodified by ad-creep of seo ad-directed sectors of our net. It's an addiction to these business models meant to lead out into our system, which we all meant to live in.

Only with our these that are meant to bring predictable results, will be tilted in new directions, into a better system.

I'll have to add that book to my reading list, in regard to the burnout society.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Sexual sentimentality? Prurient Paradox's, shouldn't be so

 Why am I so harsh to sex work and pin-ups? Because I do believe that they can get better. That's why, maybe this love-hate relationship is because of my passion of it? It's certainly a matter of thing to explore a true self with all the lack of intimacy that means I'm doing to best to express myself.

It's all self-expression, If it's legal it's fine. Criminalization and other talks are to be another matter, including ABDL which is another matter entirely. Kinks are kinks, and the entire primal and elevated desires are to be expressed.

All it's into the rote expression of the industry as the whole, in terms of work being either what is a prostitute and what is sex work. Things are going to be addressed more maturely? Right? Even those that are drunk on SEO with the sex work must be doing it for a really, long, long time. Running with there business models that they may not take for granted.

Despite my criticism with the lack of labelling, it's simply not for me.

I can't handle the sex scene irrationality, it's ultimately unprofessional as a storyteller, and it's spectrum of genres that is meant as a device to serve others. Without writing, it's merely short-lived.

All industry complexes have their hustle culture, radical evils. What are you going to do with the clerks and merchants.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Death of identity via interruption

 What the attempt that this interruption advertising is designed to do, my mindlessness of the attempt to fall through. This is taking part within the breaking news media of the attempt to the work.

This part we all take with us, will we be working for the interruption creep of advertising platforms.

This work.. is it ours? Will it serve them as we show the internet personality careers that's superimposed on us all?

Well then. This ad creep is defining us all.