Thursday, August 4, 2022

Physical and aesthetic lifestyle Book and link recommendations

Slumped references on my bed, it grows.
 I have to throw them away, but it grows regardless.

Physical lifestyle

Muscle and strength training by Eric helms.

Eric helms is one of the kindest lifters you can know, I heard him over the iron culture podcast and he's an eloquent man who manages to push through the hack zeitgeist of the fitness industry while trying to remain human. From bodybuilding, powerlifting and diet. He'll inform you how to control your physical variables while being wise.

You can get those books off amazon or online. Worth the investment.

Sweat by Geoffrey Verity Schofield

An upstart man who happens to have YouTube channel that I watch. He's got a mixture of wisdom of the field of bodybuilding, and this is an encyclopedia (growing, by the way.) of exercises you can implement within your programming. A program of a physical lifestyle one can implement within their lifespan. Cheap and sensible.

Base Strength By Alex Bromley

Alex Bromely, along with his podcast, have differing views within the field regarding certain presses and postures on pain. But his book on programming is a hoot! Especially his introduction and how to continue with the magic programming to play the infinite, physical game with yourself.

Are You Useful? By Chip Conrad

More of a lifestyle book on regarding of becoming the programming of strength and development of the lifestyle than anything. Chip is a what one may call a free-thinker. His rants regarding the fitness industry complex made me chuckle and resonated.

Ben Carpenter's Instagram [18+ due to tasteful cussing]

Not really a book recommendation. But this fitness model with coliacs is honest about the industry, and it's double edge-swordness. Regarding his views of diet are most sincere, along with the fitness gig.

Aesthetic lifestyle

Writing the Natural way by Gabriele Rico

A recurrence of recommendation by Marshall Vandruff

Ultimately, details methodology for poetics. With regard to artistic development and creativity. You don't have to take the two-sided brain stuff too seriously on chapter four.

No industrial complex and credentials for poetry! That's why it matters.

The Practice by Seth Godin

Another on Artistic development.

Seth Godin is a marketing guru, it's really hard to find one that ain't a hack. All in the wild of this climate of MLM swindles. Aiding in the navigation. I'll read his other books.

Being an artist may involve being a freelancer; a category of one. He can cover the artful business side of things. Learn to contract, learn to business. I can't agree with everything he's put up though.

Design your art career on a whiteboard by Marshall

Marshal claims this is his best teaching within his lifetime, and it shows! He demonstrates other brainstorming techniques that could be used for other conceptual frameworks and sorting. This is for developing an artistic endeavour.