Wednesday, August 3, 2022

"Am I too late?"

Time gate, a false illusion from a combination
of reference.

With the dawn of industrialization, it's been easier than ever to start. Yet it comes.

I often hear this from creatives who happen to ponder on opportunity cost. A question of existential crisis over a sunk cost.

Yet a waste of time to ask.

What are you going to do with this pondering?

Blame the calendar? Discover and use time travel? Transcend the laws of physics and reverse the chronological sequence without triggering the grandfather paradox?

Why ask? The race of productivity and it's dysmorphia will always be there on social media.

Even when at the deathbed, something fulfilling can be sought. You can peak. Be specific. Be at peace with age. Because the time we have is all that we've got.

"I haven't even peaked yet" Chip Conrad when asked in his Fifties. Still making music, still jumping massive leaps and playing with movement. He carries on.

Something to think about regarding the opportunity.