Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Dialogue - The mask of entertainment.

From a dream.

Hey! It's me again!

Doing this dance with entertainment, either I become a 'whale' consumer or a creator.

You'd value my affiliation by magnifying my time rather than taking my time, I have personal projects, a voice that's growing. So you'd make the opportunity worth it?

No polysomy, an important reduction to the deal. I'm getting older as I'm outside the mindset of youth. The time I have for my projects to help nurture the culture is slipping.

I'd rather do and show my work, but more wisdom. More business wisdom is getting to me.


I know, you're an entertainer. That's your profession.

We don't have friends, only status affiliation (or dominion, can't tell.)

That's why I must have some Rule of Law for those who value my time. To self-publish. Mask of entertainment. Goes both ways, I know.



Harlen Ellison's Rant on paying the writer (A lot of cussing there.)
Seth also did a good blog post on this, he answers this question within the first question on his podcast of the overton window, On working for free.