Thursday, August 18, 2022


An old college project, of a clay remake of a plastic cup I did within a workshop.

Wabi Sabi : Putting more effort into something to make it remarkable.

Wabi as in many, Sabi as in rust.

It requires effort. Rather than effortless of spec. Effortless like a powerlifter; to lift the most amount of weight while minimizing strength loss, effortful like in bodybuilding work; to artfully increase the anabolic signalling with tasteful disadvantages of the workout.

Chasing constant compliance, faster, cheaper and more efficient means can be a drag at times. Chasing shortcuts for the sake of it. It can be a trap. For perfection, not uniqueness.

Wabi Sabi in my schedule as of current.

This blog.
Natural Bodybuilding.
Mediating in bed and walks in nature.
The meditation sleeping methods I apply of staring at my eyelids, in the dark.

Within this era of marketing, it continues.

With the visual arts, the unique style could be a thing.
Within the writing arts, the unique voice could be a thing.
Within the editing arts, the unique hermeneutics be a thing.
But as artists, the unique articulation is a thing.

Adopting art parents will help in this endeavour.

Even my natural bodybuilding comes into it, it's terminology leaks into the neologism of my heuristics regarding the arts

Right to my body, the deflated cellulite and excess skin. The outwards flat feet that slows the walking pace.

I don't even know the methods of Dale Carnegie's How to win friends and influence peopleHave much traction today, aren't people attracted to status roles instead? That's a Book reading, by the way. Studying customer service skills.

That's Wabi-Sabi!