Friday, August 19, 2022

Psychographics research

He's coming out of his hidey-hole, Seeking resonance.

I'm learning to be more market-driven, Learning to control the market instead of being controlled by it. Living in Seth Godin's books and podcasts.

Part of it is doing psychographics Research, so here are some categories I've made searching on discord.

Gender Fluid Artists: Beautiful gender expressionists, Love how the gender f*** of today like the drag queens of today. Such Darlings.

The Bigorexics: Kindred Spirits of the big. I know the double-edged spirit of my bigorexia, I'd probably address them within a pseudonym because Kieron is more feisty.

Streamer Networkers: They are obviously trying to expand their brand, got a suspect promotional offer for one, the only promotional offer I may consider is protein powder, and it's a huge, huge, nebulous may. I'm here to help with my coaching and art. Not to peddle other big company's advertising.

Another Category I've yet to explore.

General Physical Preparedness comics and it's subcategory, the sad comics community: They may like my comic regarding burnout, along with my journey of how I dealt with my troubles.

My favorite ones that I want to attract,

The gym bras : The ones that can lift, and go gym bra in the comments.

Time to market.