Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Lean Bulking - Everything I know about it.

Yep, Nut butters, me getting them unmeasured.

Firstly, this is for all you "Hard gainers" Don't follow the myth that you're stuck on a predetermined body type. I thought, as a kid that I was a mesomorph, then I changed and got muscle gains. This is a self-limiting race-to-the-bottom gimmick.

Jeff Nippard Refutes the idea of a bodytypes here, within this video.

Alan Thrall gives advice on how to bulk

You always have to get the big rocks in, the biggest rock is calorie balance that will dictate your body weight, using the law's of thermodynamics to your advantage to put yourself in an anabolic state. 

An anabolic state of exercise fuelled by food.
Auguste Comte's Hiarachy of the sciences apply here, get in your big rocks in first, which is calorie balance.

Jujimufu recommends cardio to aid digestion, I can't recommend this enough. Steps in a day are useful so that you don't end up constipated all the time, aiming for around 7k to 10k steps a day to get it done. It can be done after the meal or wherever you can allocate the time according to your schedule.

Be prepared to progressively overload your bulk, consistently weighing yourself 3-7 times a day, (ideally somewhere consistent, after you've been to the lavatory. I do mine in the morning.) tracking yourself on an excel spreadsheet or app if you have to. I've had to start from 2800 calories a day, then towards 3500 calories now to get that weight up. Aim for an incremental lean bulk, 0.5 + 1 pound a week is a recommendation I hear for newbies.

Ballpark-measument your calorie intake to 300-400 calories above maintenance. if the weight averages keep remaining the same and the scale ain't going up, then plan to progressively overload the intake. Make sure you have some kind of ab cycle routine to keep that leanness, but eventually you're just going to have to accept some fat gain, especially over 20 percent body fat, pull the brakes.

Basic Body fat percentage chart for analysis, the importance of one aspect you may have to track.

Bald Omni-man clarifies with his lean-bulking protocols.

You don't have to track calories, weight, or even do a monthly photo of yourself in the mirror. Consider it measurement a means to help you towards your goals if you're not making it any progress. I'm still using it, but there are intuitive eaters out there who manage without. Like Geoffrey Verity Schofield.

Nutrition-wise, once you've set up your own meal plan and strategy during the day. A common bodybuilder guidelines is 80 percent of what will please a wellness dietician, 20 percent of something that will give them a shock. 

Little step by step, gently pushing forward.