Wednesday, October 19, 2022

A Writers/art block cure

The prescribed solution is to get a stomach pump if the laxatives don't work, and then plenty of water to flush to bowels to get the blockage out.

Seth has the nice solution, the link to the origin of writer's block is in the cussy show notes.

First it started with the poets, then the writers, then any other creators within the field. The more they approach the tasty work, the work that blows peoples pants off. The more it speaks. As if afflicted by a physical condition. That's giving one stomach cramps.

Yet it's all an aggressive self-nocebo. A woven negative story that we tell ourselves that stops us from doing the work.

It could be exhaustion, it could be flirting with karoshi that's stopping it, but certainly not an art block.

My Solution, work like a plumber, see it as merely and investment of work hours then clock out to keep that physical condition within check along with family and friends. You know what they have to say about plumbers like that who has to rescue princesses. Most importantly of all, plumbers don't wear ties.

"Let there work be to them as is his common work to the labourer, no gigantic efforts necessary. He need tie no wet towels round his brow. Nor sit for thirty hours without moving as men have sat or said that they have sat." - Novelist Anthony Trollope

Good and bad ideas? That's ortherexia: a eating disorder of conceptualization speaking, you need to articulate those ideas out to sort them out first, get the big rocks with the opportunity cost taken cared of..

Most of it's going to be long work anyway. Showing up, giving the opportunity, compiling the tools and references and doing the investment. Long work that gets better (Within reasonable sleep schedules, and life balance.) rather than harder for the sake of it. Embrace the marathon of articulation.

In comes the long hours, the opportunity and outcomes the art baby like a hot potato from the oven

(Note, long work that's plain busywork rather than productive ain't good either, look for the work that will amplify. Not merely spend your time regarding social media and other social grooming tasks so you have time for the important work. Some social media minimalism can help.)

It's the narrative we tell ourselves, best what to get over it is to not believe it in the first place and tell a better narrative.

Link to the podcast episode in question.