Thursday, October 13, 2022

Influences to the couch Golem - Lore

He was advertised by a cheesy human salesman who animated a sparkle in his smile with his television sales pitch. He can't help it, trying to stimulate it with a plastic wand toy during one drag Halloween event that passed.

Moved into a hotel by a sassy squirrel hotel clerk, was talked with many a conversation with her lesbian buddy over many a event, made him feel funky.

A drunk magician, who got irate of not getting picked within a high-status group, gave life to this being. It was a bet by a golemmancer. It was his way of dealing with rejection.

It is a vintage, cream-colored couch that happened to mold the spirit given to him, by a expired, worn out deliveryman that was required by the magician. Forming i'ts way into its purpose. Moved out of the hotel, then now into a home-gym.

A gay couple, a koi bodybuilder and his orange fennec musician synthesizer boyfriend. Influencing his personality, he now lifts weights. With cushioned springs and the definition. Cleaning himself and keeping in his couch form fabric lint-free with lint rollers in his palms. Thanks to the magician, he's got some powers, and weaknesses.

After scaring the daylights out of the couple, he's got sad, he just wants to be friends. No intent to harm, thankfully the universe I'm writing him in is quite forgiving.

Now after another event of playing a mascot at a upholstery. He's more wanting to work by a gym, lifting with an abandoned mom and pop garage set-up, All this solidifying his form. Needing to do a job and service, like the spirit of the deliveryman. That's the intent he most fondly remembers.

All these implanted, all of these made into what he is today.