Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Golemantic Ritual

"How do'sh I do again?"

"Hurtsh to think, think like thish, I'll show them! The pain of this rejection will not be unaided!!"

As the ostrich magician puts the almost-dead courier down, he draws two magical rings with chalk on the stone pub floor. The only thing clear in his mind, through all that slurry of booze, in the incantations of a bet of that golemancer. Studying it through and through.

That mocking Golemancer who gave him a bet after his rejection of a prestigious magican group.

"If you can't make a guys soul bond with my love couch, then you really can't be connected! What nerves. I'll show what connects."

With indignant furry, and the final swig. He begins to chant in a fevered pitch.

It begins.