Tuesday, October 11, 2022

On standardisation and the lack of, with it's hits

Drawing off-spec is hard, misspelling and all.

A study with examples.

A hit that a how to artist may never translate to what makes a hit for an actual artist. Especially the quirky ones.

Policeman110, Guadalupe Posada and others have had successes without these reference artists, who am I to judge? There is beauty in the naïveness and free-formity. Totally unstandardized. The spec is whatever they feel like. Improvisational. The impact and flow is felt.

Another is to articulate and standardize molds that will help you make it fit. All the eclecticism used to help make it fit inside a most industrialized spec Albrecht Durer. A long history of molds to made to fit into quality spec, not necessary creative magic because that's not what it's for. It has it's uses with it's improving it's tolerances. A taxonomy and established catagory made for purposes.

Another example spec and categories articulated for the purposes of animation.

Regardless, on and off-model. These are practical instruments, novel for its purposes.