Monday, October 10, 2022

Of chocolatebox freindship, then on social media came reality

Brawny Smurf ponders his life choices, Then moves on.
This ain't a smurfs village of friendship where one is going to get magically picked to reach high status that media will sell you on.

No, these social media platforms are to be used by direct advertising (measurable advertisements with quantitative results) to turn us into products, to have our attention exploited to be sold to the via auctions.

A status-go-round of roles.

Now using social media for my creative business, even as an amateur, I'll have to treat it like a nonprofit venture. Otherwise, one will be lost within an infinite space of opportunity. Opportunity cost matters, juggling with it every day.

Use social media for your business, or it will use for it's own.

This is why we self-publish now. Bye bye gatekeepers, we are on our own.