Thursday, November 17, 2022

A romanticized parasocial relationship

"Crud, my winter weight is showing.."

"Darn it, being single my entire life."

Gregor Murphy could not handle it, the relations online that teased him had him since his social media account up.

Things had been disconnected since the crash, being responsible for managing the wild summit. He could not handle it.

A cold message, yet the desperation and loneliness of his desk job just was too much.

"Maybe I'll get blocked for this, i don't know what is or what is not permissible anymore."

Another leap into the void on whether he'll throw a message in a bottle and get it back. Will he get one back, a meaningful relationship online, from all the coaching that ain't filling an itch.

Yet that subtle flirt online of that public meeting felt incredible.

A slight response last time, that will escalate into something. I can't reassure himself.

"I'll send a little flirt back, myself topless. He'd like it, won't he? Urgh, f*** it."

His pseudonym, the delusion, and that virtual touch never felt real to him.

All to this one moment. Beyond his professional coaching, he had to send it.

If it does not resonate, he'll have to move on.

Yet the libidinal relief of sending a message was beyond the point, what it more felt like it is that it mattered. He pushed send, not knowing that it will work.