Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Additive and Subtractive Mixing

The colour adventure continues.

Got a Mini Kolor mondo Globe to help me visualize colour relationships. To help me get up to date with colour theory. You look at a concept with enough consternation, and the light turns on.

I finally figured it out! As noted on the cards.

Colour Basics - Cmy

CMY With subtractive mixing, pigments are being mixed in paint, inks, dyes and prints CMY is the basis. Please note that you get red, green, and blue from cyan, magenta, and yellow.

Colour Basics - RGB

The additive colour system uses rgb light to mix colour, for computers, screens, television, LED, Theatre etc, please note that you get cyan, magenta, and Yellow from Red, Green and Blue.

It's not place on my Wabi-sabi Bowl

on my working desk, whenever I need aid in colour decisions. A better colour wheel, a colour sphere. The little cards can be slided out whenever clarifications are needed.