Monday, November 14, 2022

Barlan Bellison's Rant

Modelled after this cussy rant this, of course.

Danny knew that his career was down in the latrine, he had quit. He had to motivate himself to do freelance for his carpenter gig. His crude workstation included.

He looked up a video, for himself, for his new mindset away from his boss.

The old Bland turtle in his late forties with a documentary scene, "Dreams with sharp beaks" who did a rant about being paid, that'll do. On boop tube. He looked like he had a chip on his shoulder, recommended by another friend.

It was Barlan Bellison, famed writer, out of sync. Now passed.

"Somebody called yesterday, from Narner Brothers, Yesterday about a very long and thoughtful interview on Bodylon five I did.

Young woman called and said that can we'll use it for their dvd, I replied of course that can be arranged. All you have to do is pay me!

She said what?

You have to pay me!

Well, Everybody is doing it for nothing.

Everybody may be a bumhole, but I'm not! In what right do you call me and tell me to work for nothing. Do you pay the ditch digger? The plumber, the teamsters who help you're work? Do you get a paycheck? All those low status, thankless jobs?

Well yes.


She replied with It will be free publicity!

Then I was like - Lady, tell that to somebody who is younger than you, who is a naive country bumpkin. There is no publicity value of having my interview on your dvd.

You're gonna sell two thousand of them, that will be pant's blowing. Then what's gonna happen? Somebody will go, "Ooo, I really like how that guy gave that interview, I wonder if he's written a book, let me-"

There's no publicity value!! The only value is that you put the dosh in my hand, cross my mitt with gold, and you can have it

Alright thank you.

I'll never hear from them, They want everything for noth - THEY won't go for two seconds without being paid, and will whine and ask for more!

I should do a freebie for Narner Brothers? What are them with a tin cup on the side street? No!

They always want the writer to burn out over nothing!

There's too many amateurs, not realizing that whenever they have to do something with the infinity of the internet. They do it for nothing!

Hoo, Hoo! I'm going to get noticed, Hue hue!

You tell me.." He repositioned himself after that mocking gesture.

Nobody has sold their soul and toil, I sell it at the highest of rates.

"It's the amateurs that make it tough for the professionals, and the hacks who work cheaper and faster don't help either. These guys are so used to getting it for nothing, and for mooching. They don't even send you the dvd!

You've got to call them, where's the dvd? You can go buy it, YOU can go buy it! Otherwise, I'll burn your business down to the ground, how about that??"

He mumbled and rambled. Danny turned it off.

He knew the responsibility as a freelancer now, with the ample opportunity he must give to his craft. Pure attention paid with minimum distraction, like he was on the moon. The best available version of himself at that time, with the best information and references at his disposal.

This is his attempt to be a professional. A creative professional. He wanted to be creative, otherwise he'd be a hack. He worried that he'll do hack work, but he could only cover rent for three months.