Thursday, November 24, 2022

The pitch to sell manure

"Oh great, I've got this great pitch for this bc-gunk, its a new revolutionary new concept that will push a new tour de force!"

"Great great, thank you. We'll be able to handle this ad campaign."

"It'd better sell, or we are bust"

"Yes thank you!"


The fairy boss gave a huge, weary sigh away as she placed the smartphone on hold.

" Gosh darnit, you know Bc-gunk's are full of crud, am i right?." She did not care, money was on the table of the enthusiastic client.

"Yes Bloomy, never have i once been told to sell such a thing, ugh. All the peer-reviewed umbrella reviews point to being ineffective. Just pure placebo that ain't engineering worthy."

Both the copywrighter, the logo designer and the art director surround it, looking over it with a belaboured groan, all the customer service had dissipated.

"How are we going to sell this most disgusting manure? F*** it."