Saturday, November 26, 2022

Why fetish work will be deemed hack work in more professional genres.

Leaving the odd box out

Inspired by Diggy's take on NSFW

Or why I'm reframing from NSFW

"If you AB Test a website enough, it will turn into a porn site." - Seth

Seen it when I started precipitating within this community. This twitter post has inspired such a discussion.

Its all about the, prurient libidinal impulse, the dopamine rush rather the serotonin release. A lemon squeezed and used as Immanuel kant would say as I paraphrase.

Freelancers will fill the gap whenever there's a want within the market. The scarcity of some fetishes mean they will be those who pay a high price.

Hard, risky work that can get done in these fields and genres. Like in other genres. Giving them a short-term engagement. It's hard to express complex ideas given such a limited field.

Some exceptions of course, for the adult audience, Ghost in the shell 1995 comes to mind.

It's okay to do it, as long as somebody claims they're doing it on purpose, to be a hack fan artist or a hack fetish worker. To fulfil into the client's spec and submit to the 'clients disease' as steven pressfield would like to call it. (Oh, If you want to know how to write/do a good porno. He's got a great last chapter section on it on Nobody's wants to read you S***")

Some questions to consider.

What differentiates adult hack work from adult work that a creative professional seeks?