Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Boxing day grandparents visit

As I type this, on Boxing Day to my grannies. My smartphone has enough battery to continue this. Enough to schedule in so i could edit this whenever grammatical typos are spotted.

This is cutting into my work hours, so I'd best produce something. An hour to and back. Time that's sunk.

Thirty-three and the years of my family are dwindling. Grandparents now in their Eighties, being at the end of their showtime. We've done our preparations when it happens.

An in a real life moment that's something i can't get off social media.

The granny a crawled, short haired bag of wrinkles. A hump now for her back as she is able to walk again. Grandad a firmer, more balding post. Spotty yet dignified. Now wavering.

Gran left, grandad on the right. Done in sketch point with a ballpoint pen.

Walls having elephants on plates, memories of family being abundant of course. A mince pie and a green mint tea were accompanied.

All the talk together, if all the trials taking a beating on their bodies.

All of it worth it.

Afterwords there was aunt visit, quicker this time. A lot of gibberish and a pea pod fiddle toy. Along with an idiot influencer being shared.