He jots down his thoughts on his phone after his prep. |
Kyro's attempts to scribble his first thoughts after his first shoot as Asheal instructed, yet something feels off. He could only capture it in his writing.
Agnostic, for mass cult consumption.
Tested and verified, made perfect for the audience
It'll publish well.
It didn't work?
I provided a service, didn't I?
They didn't want average, no sloppy glitter burger.
They sought a change in of itself. To be better.
Art, something creative, not a cheap commodity they'd simply pay to get on with their lives.
I'd just present myself in front of the gawking camera, making dad jokes with a whoopsie-daisy attitude. Is that what's going to sell? Wearing a apron. What feels like something fun ain't.
This ain't going to work. It's all s***
It's another manufacture product of objectification that I cannot ascertain.
It's another manufacture product of objectification that I cannot ascertain.