Why do industry complexes keep pushing for more? These narratives of physically impossible work hours? Working more and more hours to try to outlast the competition. Crunching it out with property over human rights? Entrepreneurs who forget, because their job is to not do their job with assets, even overworking them. What makes them forget to always please their shareholders?
Why do self-help (or self-harm gurus) lapse into burning the candle at both ends as this magical key to success? Why do they want to have their cake and eat it too? Saying that one should value their time yet treat it worthlessly through exploiting freelancer's passion with unsustainable, unrealistic work schedules?
Three words:
Commercialization, and industrialization.
That's it, santa doesn't exist. I'm not sure how to counteract this in the western model of production. Unionization? No, that's too toxic to develop, and a good union altogether is another question.
These environments will keep continuing, treating others as disposable cogs, churning out product, not creative art. Social media merely encourages it.
Seek better.