Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Silver's hostage pt 1

"Well Silver, show the silver lineage. For the royals, for the times ahead. For us."

The malamute revealed from the shadows.
His son saw, early in his twenties. This is his trial.

The dog, semi traumatized. The site of the gaffa taped human. Tears covered by the straps. Starving, a whimper as it was pulled back.

"All you have to do is to learn how to hunt a prized kill, like those chicks, to feel them the next, then you don't. Deattach yourself. " The father said.

"Whos this?" he said back.

"Oh, he should not harm you, runt. He's not part of the family, he's a mean man that's part of this terrorist group. You're doing the world a favour by getting rid of him. Don't disappoint."

The disgust was creeping up to silver, it had not worked.

"He kills people, hurts them, those cartoons about the bad guys are right, so be a hero for us."