Monday, July 10, 2023

Vix's queit part loud

“Im'a proud to be a hack and not an artist, thats too much i high as a concept!” Vix said, smile emerging.

“What? Should you really tell others that when you're advertising for Bobby?” I retorted.

I was embarrassed and ashamed to admit it, it was 

“No, Yet, I'm clear about you, right? I trust you.” He said.

“Keep it down Vix, y'know that ain't a good business selling strategy, going by the gut to be as cheap to get work.” I said, I furrowed my brow with trying to clear the confusion of this statement.

“Yet bobby has the best business sense, providing food and our beds, its good work! You have to believe me!”

I pause the changing, gruntled ambivalence hidden within as i merely try to hold it in. All at the last moment, too.

“You love it too, don't you? Being a proud W****” He said.

The triumphant of his voice still retaining within me. It was showtime, the show had to go on.

“Talk about it later, alright?”

What the F***